Thursday, January 24, 2008
Born: November 21, 2007
Due Date: Novemmber 19, 2007
Weight: 7 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 19 inches
Banner Good Samaritan Hospital
Riley made her grand entrance into this world with a great tounge fascination...she wouldn't keep it in her mouth!
Birth Story: Before leaving for work on the 20th I had this need to bring my hospital bag and the car seat with was just a felling I had! My contractions started around noon that day while having lunch at work (membranes were stripped earlier that morning)...around 3pm I decided to call it a day and went home. I went on a long walk around the neighborhood with Cody and Pat...they were working on the house that day. We went and had dinner at my parents house and I still wasn't convinced that I was in labor...I didn't want to be that girl that goes to the hospital and gets sent home. So my mom and I went on several more walks. During our final walk, when I had to stop talking during my contractions, I was convinced that this was the night. At 9pm we decided to head to the hospital...just in time for valet to be closed. So we parked far away and made the long walk to the maternity ward. Once admitted into triage, I was evaluated and the nurse said I need to walk for another hour before I was admittable (I was only three centimeters and needed to be four). This was the longest hour of my life...Cody and I walked up and down the halls of the Children's Hospital for 45 minutes...I couldn't stand another 15. I couldn't talk, move or do ANYTHING while my contractions were active. I told the nurse that she had to admit me...I would have to be dragged from the hospital bed if they wanted me to go home. Lucky for me, it was a slow night and they admitted me at 3 1/2 centimeters. Next came the epidural...this was a piece of cake after having those contractions (and I am deathly afraid of needles). Not so lucky for me, the epidural only worked on half of my body! I kept topping my drip off...over and over again...until eventually I couldn't feel anything. When it came time to push, I didn't know where I was pushing, the nurse said I was pushing all the pressure in my head and wasn't doing a good job. They decided to take the epidural dripper away from! After they broke my water, I quickly increased to 10 centimeters and started pushing again...this time Riley's heartrate started dropping from 130 to 60...within seconds every nurse and doc were in my room. The decision was made to use forcepts (scary, right?) to deliver the baby as the cord may be wrapped around her neck and she needed to come out as quick as possible. And how quickly she came...two pushes later and there she was, a healthy baby girl! She was so alert after being born...she stayed awake for about 4 hours!