Riley LOVES to play outside! While we acknowledge that every 15 month old has quite a bit of energy (at least more than their parents)...we truly think that Riley has ten times more energy than any child we have met. It is a constant go, go, go! People who don't see her often ask if she is always on the move, the answer is Yes! Riley is either full of energy or sleeping, there is no in between. Literally before she goes to bed she is running around like she just drank a Red Bull. (see the next blog- Naked Riley)..we have to convince her that it is time to go to sleep. Once we convince her of such, we take her in her room, give her a bottle and read her a bead time book (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss...her fav this month), before the book is over, she pushes away the bottle and the book, reaches out to give us a kiss and then waves us goodbye...within seconds she is sleeping :)
On this adventure in the Rounds' backyard, Riley discovered the hose and as she does with everything, she put it in her mouth and started walking around.